Barnes & Noble Upper West Side Book Signing
9/9/15 7:00 pm
2289 Broadway
New York, NY 10024
Be one of the first to receive a signed copy of The Debt of Tamar just one day after its release!
American Sephardi Federation
9/10/15 7pm
The Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street, NY, New York.
Hadassah of Teaneck
Temple Beth Shalom
354 Maitland Ave.
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Denver JCC
10/18/2015 6:00 PM
Denver, Colorado
Indianapolis JCC
11/4/2015 7:00 PM
Arthur M. Glick JCC
Indianapolis, IN.
26th Annual Bank of America Festival of Arts, Books, and Culture
11/9/2015 11:00 AM
Katz JCC
Cherry Hill, NJ
JCC of Palm Beach Featured speaker
West Palm Beach
Memphis JCC
11/12/2015 7:30 pm
Memphis, TN.
Emunah of America- Brooklyn Region Group
11/17/15 Time TBD
Brooklyn, NY.
Hillel PTA Annual Fundraiser- Featured Speaker
11/24/15 Time TBD
Location: TBD
Beit Torah Book Club Event
Midwood , Brooklyn
28th Annual Diane and Barry Wilen Jewish Book Festival
2/9/2016 12:00 PM
David Posnack JCC
Davie, FL
28th Annual Diane and Barry Wilen Jewish Book Festival
2/9/2016 7:30 PM
Dave and Mary Alper JCC
Miami, FL
Hadassah of Park Slope
2/25/2016 Time TBD
Brooklyn, NY
Hadassah of Boca West
3/2/2016 time TBD
Boca, Florida
Hadassah Brandeis Institute
3/15/2016 7:00 PM
Howard Country, MD
Private Book Club Event
Wed. Nov. 16 2016
8.30 pm
Midwood, Brooklyn
Edith Askin Book Review
April 23, 2017
12.00- 2-00 pm
Chizuk Amuno
8100 Stevenson Road
Baltimore, MD 21208
JCC West Orange Book Talk
October 19, 2017
12.30 pm
Porto Vita Club House
Aventura, Fl.
Temple Shalom
Holmdel NJ.
Sephardic Community Center
Brooklyn, New York
Haddasah Book Club
Monroe Chapter
Monroe Township, NJ.
Jewish Federation of Monmouth County
Monmouth County, NJ.
Temple B’nai Israel,
Armonk NY,